Planning Hub

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GIS Data Hub

Access and download Shapefiles for Buglife’s B-Lines Network and Important Invertebrate Areas.

Brownfield Hub

Brownfield sites can have as many rare invertebrate species as ancient woodlands, and many act as important ‘reservoirs’ of wildlife, and are often under threat.

Community toolkit

You can do an incredible amount to try and safeguard rare and endangered invertebrates.

North Cornwall B-Lines Short Film 2022 Screenshot

Local Nature Recovery Strategy Guidance in England

Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a key element of the Government’s commitment to addressing the biodiversity crisis in England and helping nature to recover.

Good practice planning for invertebrates

Our aim is that when a planning decision is taken the impact of that development on rare and endangered invertebrates is considered, avoided and/or mitigated.

Important Invertebrate Areas

Important Invertebrate Areas (IIAs) are places that are home to nationally or internationally significant invertebrate populations and their habitats.

Lodge Hill SSSI

A Ministry of Defence site on the Hoo Peninsula in Kent has been earmarked for 5,000 houses. The site, Lodge Hill, is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and maybe home to the Shrill carder bee, one of our rarest bumblebees.


The Horrid Consequences of Building

Within an old limestone quarry in Plymouth an unusual spider is lurking. It is so unique and rare that it has only ever been seen at two sites in the whole world.

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Every contribution helps us to save the small things that run the planet by restoring vital habitats and rebuilding strong invertebrate populations in the UK.

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