Habitat Hub

Browse our Habitat Hub

Aggregate Hub

Quarries and other aggregates sites can be important habitats for rare and threatened invertebrates. Buglife works to make sure that these sites are understood, restored appropriately, and cared for.

Brownfield Hub

Resources for Brownfield Management.

Freshwater Hub

Freshwater is vital to a huge amount of life on Earth, including human life. Freshwater only accounts for approximately 0.7% of all the water on the planet (if you exclude freshwater frozen in ice caps and glaciers), but is teeming with wildlife. It is an extremely important wildlife habitat in the UK.

Habitat Management

Resource for Habitat Management.

Soft Rock Cliffs

Maritime soft rock cliffs and slopes are home to a number of rare invertebrates. Yet this neglected habitat is facing a number of threats and this project is working to secure their future.

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