West of England B-Lines

The West of England B-Lines Project is a partnership between Buglife and Avon Wildlife Trust (AWT), and is part of the wider B-Lines initiative, identifying and then developing a UK-wide network of wildflower-rich meadows and grasslands.

Together with the Avon Wildlife Trust, and with support from a number of partner organisations, Buglife is working to restore and connect habitat within the West of England B-Lines network which includes the unitary authority areas of Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset, Bristol, and South Gloucestershire.

Our Vision

To create a network of B-Lines linking wildflower-rich areas across the West of England from the west to the east, and from the north to the south, linking the Cotswolds with the Mendips, cities to the countryside, and the coast to the hills.

The story so far…..

Since April 2014 Buglife, Avon Wildlife Trust, our partners, landowners, local communities and volunteers have restored and created significant areas of wildflower-rich habitats in the West of England, creating important stepping stones between our existing high value wildlife sites, helping our pollinating insects and other wildlife to move across the landscape. These sites are also areas for local communities and visitors to enjoy and hopefully engage with nature.

Between April 2014 and March 2016 we have achieved the following:

  • AWT Grassland Restoration Team (GRT) volunteers have worked to restore 123.9ha of grassland habitat.
  • AWTs My Wild City volunteers and Bristol City Council volunteers have also contributed towards a further 15.6 ha of grassland restoration within the West of England B-Lines network.
    4.43ha of wildflower grassland have been created by sowing seed and plug planting.
  • 144 volunteer task days have been held on 32 sites to undertake practical restoration and creation work such as scrub clearance, weed management, scything, raking, wildflower seed collecting and sowing, and plug planting
  • 90 individuals have volunteered with the project as part of our Grassland Restoration Team. 27 further individuals, from other groups also contributed to the restoration work (these include Natural England volunteers, UWE occupational therapy students and Westfield Farm Woofers)
  • 743 days of volunteer time have been contributed by the GRT volunteers
  • Advice given to landowners on site management and management plans provided.
  • 4 workshops have been delivered providing information, support and advice to landowners and community groups.

Earlier this year both Buglife and AWT received addition funding to continue working with landowners, partners and local groups to enhance connectivity across the West of England for pollinators and wildlife.

This project has been made possible through grants from Cory Environmental Trust in Britain, Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust South Gloucestershire Council, Bristol City Council, Natural England, D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust, Wessex Water and the February Foundation, with additional support from project partners.

Bath and North East Somerset Council, Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre, Bristol Water, Bristol City Council, Bristol University/Bristol Urban Pollinators Project, Cotswold AONB, Emorsgate Seeds, Flora Locale, FWAG South West, Mendips AONB, National Trust, Natural England, North Somerset Council, Somerset Wildlife Trust, South Gloucestershire Council, Wessex Water, West of England Nature Partnership,

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