Urban Buzz Ipswich

Urban Buzz was a great project for Ipswich as it will injected resource expertise and energy into a lot of work and ideas around the town. It brought together key council figures, the Nature Improvement Area (NIA) and fantastic local community groups passionate about their parks and open spaces.

Thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of 827 volunteers, 104 Buzzing Hotspots were enhanced for pollinators with wildflowers, bug-friendly garden plants, flowering shrubs, nesting habitat and a host of other work. Urban Buzz Ipswich worked on high profile locations such as Holywells Park, Christchurch Park and Landseer Park, with partners including Ipswich Borough Council, Greenways Countryside Project, Butterfly Conservation Suffolk and the Ipswich Wildlife Group- all working together to bring colour and wildlife backs to our parks and open spaces.

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