North Lanarkshire's Buzzing!

North Lanarkshire’s Buzzing ran from 2015 – 2017 and worked with local communities and the local authority to transform areas of amenity grassland into colourful wildflower meadows for both wildlife and people to enjoy

Species-rich grasslands are important habitats for wildlife, providing homes, nest sites and food for many species, especially pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies and hoverflies. With the loss of over 97% of our meadows across the UK, many of the species that rely on these habitats are in big trouble.

This partnership project between Buglife and North Lanarkshire Council transformed 5.2 hectares of ordinary cut grass, across parks in the region, into vibrant, lively wildflower meadows. It did so with the help of local community groups and schools including 582 people. The project reached a further 868 people through guided meadow walks and training workshops.

North Lanarkshire’s Buzzing was funded and supported by Scottish Natural HeritagePeople’s Postcode Lottery and North Lanarkshire Council

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