Norfolk and Suffolk B-Lines

The Norfolk and Suffolk B-Lines project aims to role out the exciting national programme of wildflower-rich meadow and grassland creation in the East of England.

By connecting up the best wildlife sites for pollinators in Norfolk and Suffolk through a network of wildflower corridors running east to west and north to south, Buglife are aiming to help our declining pollinators to move through this agriculturally dominated region.

Buglife have worked with a host of organisations to create a B-Lines map which connects the region’s most important pollinator habitats, including: Natural England, FWAG, Norfolk Wildlife Trust, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, RSPB, Plantlife, Forestry Commission, Environment Agency, local authorities, landowners and entomologists.

Now we have the Norfolk and Suffolk B-Lines map the developing project will:

  • Work with landowners and land managers to restore, enhance and create wildflower-rich grasslands
  • Provide support and training for landowners and managers in techniques for managing and establishing grasslands and accessing funds
  • Provide on-line resources such as habitat management fact sheets
  • Communicate and promote B-Lines to a wide audience by attending events, holding workshops and community engagement events.

Keep checking back for developments to see how you can help our pollinators as this exciting project grows.

This project has been made possible thanks to funding from Natural England

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