Making a B-Line for London

The ‘Making a B-Line for London’ partnership is aiming to develop B-Lines across London, increasing the diversity and abundance of pollinating insects across its green spaces and gardens. The Partnership also aims to raise awareness of the benefits of pollinators and encourage everyone to play their part in conserving these important insects.

The Making a B-Line for London partnership aims to:

  • Increase the area of habitat available for pollinating insects by promoting simple changes to the ways we manage London’s parks, gardens and other green spaces;
  • Provide advice to help everyone improve spaces for pollinators and
  • Monitor the changes in the abundance and diversity of pollinating insects in response to greater habitat availability

In doing all of this Making a B-Line for London will also make a significant contribution to the National Pollinator Strategy.

Progress so far…

The Making a B-Line for London partnership, has already identified a London B-Line, which runs roughly north to south from Enfield to Croydon.

The London B-Line includes many current pollinator hotspots and aims to create new habitats which will link and support these existing areas. The partnership will work with the managers and owners of parks, gardens, allotments and green spaces to seek changes to management of existing flower-rich areas, and also create new areas to link these together.

An online toolkit is being developed to enable Londoners to identify and create local B-Lines, so in the longer-term we hope to see a grid of B-Lines developed across London.

Every person and every organisation that lives, works or has influence over land within the B-Lines network can take action to help.

For more information about how you can get involved, please email [email protected] . You can also input your actions for insect pollinators on our interactive B-Line map.

The Making a B-Line for London partnership comprises the following organisations: Bee Collective, Buglife, Forestry Commission, Greater London Authority, Greenspace information for Greater London, London Wildlife Trust, Natural England, RSPB and University of Sussex. The partnership will expand during delivery to include a range of greenspace managers, landowners, community groups, households, schools, businesses, allotment associations, beekeeping associations and the public.

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