Guardians of our Rivers

Guardians of our Rivers © Rebecca Lewis

Guardians of our Rivers is a partnership project that will connect communities across Scotland with their local rivers and the invertebrates that call these places home.  Freshwater wildlife in the UK is under threat as the rivers, streams and other freshwater habitats they live in have been damaged and/or polluted.

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Quick Facts:

  • Name of Project:  Guardians of our Rivers
  • Project Launch Date: October 2022 – October 2024
  • Location of Project:  Across Scotland
  • Species benefiting from Project:  Freshwater invertebrates and other wildlife
  • Project funded by: Swire Charitable Trust, Highland & Island Environment Foundation (HIEF), NatureScot, Cairngorms Trust (part of the Cairngorms National Park), Hugh Fraser Foundation, The Northwick Trust and Animal Friends Pet Insurance

Catch Buglife’s Guardian of our Rivers project on BBC Landward.

Invertebrates are an essential part of the ecology of our freshwater systems. The UK has over 3,800 different species of invertebrate that spend all, or part of their lives in rivers, ponds and other freshwater habitats. These include mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies (collectively known as riverflies) as well as dragonflies, water beetles and pond skaters. 

Freshwater living invertebrates play a vital role in maintaining clean water- they help to break down and filter organic matter and provide a food source for fish, birds and mammals. Their presence is the standard indicator of the health of the habitat they live in. However, many of our freshwater invertebrates are declining in the face of pollution, invasive species, abstraction and development. 

Caddisfly species © Suzanne Burgess

What will the project do?

The Guardians of Our Rivers project will recruit people who would like to get involved in monitoring the health of their local river, and support them in their learning journey to becoming trained Citizen Scientists. This project feeds into the The Riverfly Partnership – a network of organisations around the UK, working together to protect our rivers and riverflies 

Free, certified training will be delivered by Buglife’s qualified Riverfly Partnership trainer to volunteers across Scotland. 

We will provide training and support on how to:

  • monitor and survey rivers for invertebrates;
  • identify target groups of invertebrates;
  • spot early warning signs of habitats in crisis, e.g., from pollution or climate change;
  • record their findings to an opensource database hosted by the Freshwater Biological Association and other recording schemes;
  • and share stories and lessons learnt between communities.
Buglife's Rebecca Lewis Surveying for Riverfly Buglife's Rebecca Lewis Surveying for Riverfly

Once trained groups are established, they will have access to ongoing support and information to help them become confident and secure with the methods and identification of the invertebrates found in their rivers.

Since the project launched in 2022, we have trained 40 groups across Scotland. Our work is continuing in 2024 and 2025, by offering new extended training for volunteers. This is an opportunity for volunteers to develop their identification skills and gain more information to detect and measure pollution and habitat degradation, helping us to begin building a network of qualified riverfly trainers across Scotland.  

The project will also work with community groups and schools to spread awareness on riverflies and what people can do to help them and their local rivers.  

Guardians of our Rivers - Surveying for Riverfly Guardians of our Rivers - Riverfly Survey

How can you get involved?

Unhealthy rivers are not attractive places to spend time in, on, or by – nor do they foster a sense of belonging with people and communities. Through this project, communities will be empowered to become ‘River Guardians’ for their local rivers and deliver change through greater understanding of what constitutes a healthy river. 

We are seeking volunteers to become Citizen Scientists, helping to monitor their local rivers and upload the results onto the Riverfly Partnership national database.

You can also get involved through a series of illustrated project talks, community led events and story sharing days between communities.

For more information on how to get involved in our Guardians of our River project, please contact Kerry Dodd (Conservation Officer – Scotland) at

Guardians of our Rivers - Surveying for Riverfly Guardians of our Rivers - Surveying for Riverfly
Colin Beattie MSP - Rivers Nature Champion @uartlach
Colin Beattie MSP – Rivers Nature Champion

Rivers Nature Champion:

Colin Beattie MSP

  • Member for: Midlothian North and Musselburgh
  • Region: Lothian
  • Party: Scottish National Party

Find out more about Scottish Nature Champions

Guardians of our Rivers is funded by Swire Charitable Trust, Highland & Island Environment Foundation (HIEF), NatureScot, Cairngorms Trust (part of the Cairngorms National Park), Hugh Fraser Foundation, The Northwick Trust and Animal Friends Pet Insurance

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