Welcome aboard this B-Line service to Get London Buzzing!

B-Line Garden planting at Tabard Gardens © Conor Cooper

Our pollinating insects are in trouble, but we can all be part of the solution! Whether you’ve got a large garden, pots on the patio, or a planter on a balcony, the smallest actions make a big difference for these important insects! Planting more flowers provides more nectar and pollen for pollinating insects, but there are also other things you can do to help!

Here are 6 simple things you can do to help pollinators and Get London Buzzing!

1) Plant more flowers – Check out our list of pollinator-friendly plants and add some to your garden!

2) Mow less often – Cutting the grass less often enables more wildflowers to grow in your lawn, providing food for pollinators.

3) Become a hotelier – Hang up a bee hotel or expose some bare earth to create places for bees and other pollinators to nest.

4) Avoid using pesticides – insecticides, fungicides and herbicides have far-reaching, long-lasting impacts on all wildlife, not just whatever’s working its way through your petunias!

5) Ditch the peat – Use peat-free compost and check if the plants you buy are grown in peat-free compost to help preserve our peat bogs, home to many rare and threatened invertebrates and important sites of carbon sequestration and water quality & flow regulation.

6) Join Buglife – By joining Buglife you directly support the work we do, and receive a whole host of benefits and perks! Join today at Membership – Buglife.

Use the links below to find out more about what you can do in your garden, allotment or local green space – from the best plants to put in your planters to how to set up your own bee hotel or hoverfly lagoon!

Make your own Bee Hotel session © Rebecca Carter

B-friendly in your Garden - suitable for all gardens

Managing Community Spaces for Pollinators (Front Page)

Managing Community Spaces for Pollinators


Garden flowers for bumblebees and others


Build a Bee Hotel - simple to follow instructions


How to Create a Hoverfly Lagoon in your garden


Once you’ve turned your balcony, garden, allotment, local park or other green space into a perfect pollinator-friendly patch, don’t forget to add it to our B-lines map, where you can share your wonderful work with the whole community and see what’s been going on in your local area!

For even more ideas and information on invertebrate-friendly gardening and green space management please see our Pollinator Guidance and Gardening for Bugs pages. And you can learn more about B-lines here.

Buffish Mining Bee (Andrena nigroaenea) © John Walters Buffish Mining Bee (Andrena nigroaenea) © John Walters

Get London Buzzing is creating opportunities for people living and working in London to help pollinating insects in their local area and restore green space throughout the capital.

The project is delivering an array of events and activities throughout London working with community groups, corporate groups and school children.

In 2024, our B-Lines garden won a gold medal at the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show. The B-Lines garden demonstrates how formal planting can be both aesthetically pleasing and pollinator-friendly, and that even small areas can make a big difference to pollinators. The plants from the garden have been relocated to community spaces to create beautiful public displays for people and pollinators alike to enjoy.

View more information

Quick Facts:

  • Name of Project:  Get London Buzzing
  • Duration of Project: January 2023 – March 2025
  • Location of Project: London (with a focus around Camden, Lambeth, Lewisham, Westminster and east London.)
  • Species benefiting from Project:  All generalist pollinators
  • Project funded by:  Kusuma Trust UK, City Bridge Foundation, Green the UK & Milkywire

Through Get London Buzzing, we offer:

  • Plants and volunteer days for local community projects
  • Corporate volunteer days for businesses
  • Training workshops and talks on wildlife gardening
  • Community outreach events and visits
  • School workshops and activities
  • Information, advice and support on pollinator habitat management for landowners and managers

For more information on how to get involved in our “Get London Buzzing” project please contact our London Engagement Officer, Conor, at Conor.Cooper@buglife.org.uk

The B-Lines Garden at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival © Amy Crawford

Our Get London Buzzing Conservation Officer has been attending and facilitating some great events, including some online talks which are now available to watch again via YouTube

Get London Buzzing is generously funded by Kusuma Trust UK, City Bridge Foundation, Green the UK and Milkywire

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