Get Cumbria Buzzing!

Restoring roadside grassland habitat for pollinators (Image provided by Cumbria Wildlife Trust).

The Get Cumbria Buzzing! Project is an ambitious and innovative project creating and restoring wildflower-rich habitat for pollinators along B-Lines across North West Cumbria.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Highways England (Environmental Designated Fund) have provided the funding for this ambitious three year project led by the Cumbria Wildlife Trust. Working closely with partners and local communities, the project aims to create 115ha of wildflower-rich pollinator friendly habitat at over 62 sites linking existing wildlife-friendly green spaces and creating stepping stones between them to allow insects and pollinators to move across the countryside.

Partners include Highways England who are creating, restoring and managing grassland habitat for pollinators on roadside verges; local councils (Allerdale Borough Council and Copeland Borough Council); Buglife who provided the B-Lines network that identifies the location where new habitat will provide the greatest benefit for pollinators; Workington Nature Partnership; Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre; Florence Arts Centre; National Trust; Butterfly Conservation, and Solway Coast AONB.

Please show your support for the Get Cumbria Buzzing! Project and Buglife’s B-Lines by adding your pollinator friendly sites to the B-Lines map.

The Get Cumbria Buzzing! Pollinator habitat creation along Buglife’s B-Lines in North West Cumbria (image provided by Cumbria Wildlife Trust).

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