Eyed Longhorn Beetle Project

Wicken Fen © Dr Border, Wiki Commons

The Eyed Longhorn Beetle (Obera oculata) is critically endangered in the UK and known at only one site in Cambridgeshire.

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Quick Facts:

  • Name of Project: Eyed Longhorn Beetle (Species Recovery Project)
  • Duration of Project: August 2023 – March 2026
  • Location of Project: Cambridgeshire Fens
  • Species benefiting from Project: Eyed Longhorn Beetle (Obera oculata)
  • Project funded by:  Natural England
  • Project partners: Buglife (lead)/Royal Holloway University

Longhorn beetles are integral members of woodland ecosystems, helping to cycle nutrients from wood back into the environment. The Eyed Longhorn Beetle is closely associated with willow carr, or wet woodland.

What will the project do? 

This project will provide the foundations for a long-term plan to build a resilient population of Eyed Longhorn Beetle. An important part of this will involve developing and trialling a novel pheromonal attractant for the species (a technique that has been used with other beetle species). If successful, this could form the basis of a new, non-invasive, monitoring technique.

Eyed Longhorn Beetle (Oberea oculata) © Siga, Wiki Commons

These surveys will be conducted on the site the species is known to be and also in areas that it has previously been recorded, as well as potential new sites that could support populations, given their habitat requirements.

With this novel survey technique, we hope to use the results to update the Eyed Longhorn Beetle’s conservation status and develop a rigorous species recovery plan.  We will also be working closely with landowners to manage existing habitat and to create new suitable habitat.

Eventually, we will look to provide training for volunteers, who are interested in supporting the recovery of the Eyed Longhorn Beetle, in the use and deployment of the lures on other sites containing suitable habitat.

Throughout this project we are working closely with Royal Holloway, University of London.

How can you support the project?

For now, consider supporting Buglife’s work and help us continue to save the small things that run the planet!

You might also like to find out more about our other species recovery projects.

The Wormwood Moonshiner (Species Recovery) Project is generously funded by Natural England.