The Durham and Tees Valley Project is part of the wider B-Lines Initiative, identifying and then developing a UK-wide network of wildflower-rich meadows and grasslands.
In partnership with Natural England, Durham Wildlife Trust, the University of Liverpool, and the Environmental Records Information Centre – North East, and with support from a number of other partner organisations, Buglife is planning to expand the B-Lines network northwards into Durham and Tees Valley.
As part of the project, B-Lines have now been identified and mapped across Co Durham and the Tees Valley. These B-Lines aim to link the internationally important upland hay meadows of the Pennine Dales to the rare wildflower-rich magnesian limestone grasslands of the Durham coast and escarpment. They will also connect with the Yorkshire B-Lines and forge northwards to the River Tyne and Northumbria.
We are keen to hear from landowners who may have land within the mapped B-Lines and who would like to help.
We’d also love to hear from any schools, villages, community groups or local authorities who would like to participate and help us to realise our plans.