Urban Buzz

‘Urban Buzz’ was an exciting project using innovative techniques to create 840 ‘Buzzing Hotspots’ in England and Wales for our declining pollinators. By transforming mown and unused areas of land, we are creating more than 210 hectares of rich and vibrant habitat (That’s over 35 Wembley Stadiums!).

Pollinators are vitally important to landscapes and people but are in serious decline.  Urban areas provide enormous opportunities for habitat creation and Urban Buzz is utilising these spaces to help support these remarkable insects.

Here are some examples of the fantastic work we did!

  • Bee Bank for nesting
  • Formal beds to increase forage availability
  • Native meadows for forage
  • Shrubs
  • Bee hotels for nesting
  • Ornamental meadow for forage

These sites have been selected to improve habitat connectivity, making pollinators more resilient to changes such as development, climate change and pollution; allowing the movement across a city.

Click here for a year one achievement update

Bristol ‘buzzing hotspot’ Patchway Common is winner of Bees’ Needs Award 2018

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