To help us keep track of how the B-Lines network is developing we need to find out what is happening around the country. We are therefore launching a new interactive map which will allow everyone to let us know what they are doing within the mapped B-Lines.
The idea behind the new interactive map is to let everyone see at a glance the range of work which is going on around the country helping fill the B-Lines with flower-rich areas. The map will highlight areas where Buglife, other conservation organisations, business, schools and members of the general public are doing great things to create stepping stones of habitat which will aid movement of insect pollinators (for example bees, butterflies, moths and hoverflies) around the B-Lines network. By hovering over the map people will be able to find out more about the growing B-Lines and as more people add information we will be able to see how the B-Lines are growing.
We are interested in hearing from everyone, whether you are a school creating a bee-friendly garden, a landowner creating a wildflower meadow, a local authority developing bee-friendly flower-beds, or a business planting wildflowers in its grounds. By following the instructions on the mapping pages you can input details and photographs of any work which is contributing towards the development of the B-Lines. And if nothing is happening in your area why not start something yourself, suggest the idea to your local Council or local wildlife group, or look at our other B-Lines pages for information on how to do things.