Scottish Nature Champions

Iconic and threatened Scottish species and habitats are being ‘adopted’ by Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), who are acting as ‘Nature Champions’ to help improve their future.  If your local MSP hasn’t signed up yet, why not write to them and suggest they do!

Nature Champions is a Scottish Environment LINK initiative, celebrating Scotland’s wonderfully diverse species.  From the mighty Orca (Orcinus orca) to the tiny Bog Sun-jumper Spider (Heliophanus dampfi), from Upland Birchwoods to Lowland Raised Bogs, the Scottish species and habitats currently facing significant threats have been identified and put up for adoption.

An impressive number of species and habitats are now being championed in Scotland and a number of these are invertebrates or the habitats important to them!

Buglife Scotland is currently supporting a number of MSP Nature ChampionsBelow we give an overview of the invertebrates and habitats in need of support, and the MSPs who’ve taken on the challenge so far.

Nature Champion MSPs are recognising the importance of Scotland’s unique wildlife. Through their efforts, these species and habitats now have a voice in the Scottish Parliament, but others are still waiting for a champion

~ Craig Macadam: Conservation Director, Buglife Scotland ~

Michelle Thomson MSP - Bog Sun-jumper Spider Nature Champion (@MichelleThomson)

Bog Sun-jumper Spider (Heliophanus dampfi)

Nature Champion: Michelle Thomson MSP


Sue Webber MSP - Lowland Raised Bog Nature Champion (@SueJWebber)

Lowland Raised Bogs

Nature Champion: Sue Webber MSP

Patrick Harvie MSP - Red Mason Bee Nature Champion (@patrickharvie)

Red Mason Bee (Osmia bicornis)

Nature Champion: Patrick Harvie MSP


Nature Champion: Colin Beattie MSP

Open Mosaic Habitat

Nature Champion: Stephanie Callaghan MSP

Common Glow-worm (Lampyris noctiluca)

Nature Champion: Stephen Kerr MSP

If your local MSP hasn’t signed up to this fantastic initiative yet, why not write to them and encourage them to get involved.

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