Buglife Scotland

Buglife Scotland has been protecting invertebrates and habitats for over ten years. Through our projects we have engaged with thousands of people from across Scotland to raise awareness of invertebrates and how we can help them.

Scotland supports a diverse variety of habitats from montane, to vegetated shingle, to grassland. These habitats are home to a number of unique species of invertebrate, many of which rely on Scotland as their stronghold in the UK and even globally. There are thought to be over 24,000 species of invertebrate in Scotland!

Buglife has achieved many successes in Scotland so far, including:

Buglife have a very important job in protecting our invertebrates and by working with partners we are proud of what we have achieved so far. It is important that we all work together to protect Scotland’s invertebrates as they are incredibly important to our economy, providing us with a number of important and free ‘‘ecosystem services’’ that are often worth millions of pounds e.g. pollination and the creation of healthy soils. Many of these services are often overlooked until they are damaged or lost and they are usually impossible to replace.

 Our projects in Scotland

Buglife delivers a variety of projects to ensure the long-term survival of invertebrates in Scotland. Our projects have created, enhanced and better managed grasslandspeat bogsbrownfield sites and many other habitats for invertebrates in Scotland. Through our project work we have engaged with thousands of people through talks, workshops, bug walks, school visits and other events to raise awareness of the importance of invertebrates, the free services they provide and how we can all do our bit to help them.

Buglife Scotland send out a quarterly newsletter with updates on exciting new stories, events, talks and volunteering opportunities in Scotland. E-mail scotland@buglife.org.uk to be added to the mailing list.

Current Projects in Scotland

Latest news

UK Pesticides National Action Plan published, finally!

Buglife welcomes a new UK National Action Plan on Pesticides which aims for a future of more sustainable pesticide use, Read more

Upcoming event

Earthworm Watch: Insights Into Urban Earthworm Communities with The Biological Recording Company

Monday 24th March, 2025

Join Dr Victoria J. Burton (Natural History Museum) to hear about using citizen science to gain insights into UK urban…

Buglife’s work in Scotland is grant-aided by NatureScot

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