Other Funding Platforms Where You Can Find Buglife

Buglife can be found on a number of other funding platforms if you are looking for other ways to give.

Whether on computer, tablet or mobile there are a whole suite of easy to use tools below.

Some for the individual and others aimed at businesses both small and large.


Buglife are in collaboration with @milkywire. Milkywire is a new and unique crowdfunding platform for vetted grassroots NGOs. It’s an app where I update about our work regularly and can receive funds from app users. It allows supporters to really get closer to the reality of my work in conservation, the progress, the discoveries and even the setbacks

Just Giving

Buglife is on the Just Giving platform as an alternative pace to set up fundraising pages

Working for Good

A great way for small business to start giving to Buglife is via this platform.

Give as You Live

Give as  you live and Every Click generate donations on the back of internet searches

Help us to stop the extinction of invertebrate species

Become a member

Join a community of invertebrate champions and access exclusive member benefits from just £3 a month, all whilst supporting our vital conservation work.


Donate to support us

Every contribution helps us to save the small things that run the planet by restoring vital habitats and rebuilding strong invertebrate populations in the UK.

Make a donation today

Engage with our work

Stay up to date with our work and help spread the word by following us on our socials and signing up to our monthly BugBytes email newsletter.