Activities for Schools

Lots of fun and educational activities for schools

*New* B-Lines Resource Pack for Primary Schools

*New* B-Lines Resource Pack for Primary School children, aged 5-7 years old/KS1, KS2 and families (to be used alongside the new B-Lines Education Pack)

*New* B-Lines Education Pack for Primary Schools

*New* B-Lines Education Pack for Primary School children, aged 5-7 years old/KS1, KS2 and families (to be used alongside the new B-Lines Resource Pack)

Scottish Education Pack

A series of great school activities to fit the Scottish curriculum

B-Lines Education Pack

A series of pollinator focused activities for schools

Ancient Oak Tree Poster

Interactive poster showing life on an ancient oak tree.

Ecdyonurus © Matt Eastham

Bug Musical

A bug themed musical for your school

Mud snails

The Marvellous Mud Snails Project produced a series of school resources

Butterflies Under Pressure

A series of science activities for KS1/KS2 primary school children (aged 5-11), using dance and PE to learn about “Living things and their habitats”.

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