Restore Nature Now

Saturday 22nd June, 2024 - 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Central London

Join us for a walk on the wild side this June

We know our supporters are some of the most passionate people about wildlife in the UK. And this summer we’re asking you to bring that passion and join us on the streets of London on 22 June to demand that our politicians Restore Nature Now.

We are joining up with dozens of other environmental groups including the RSPB, The Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, WWF-UK, and the Woodland Trust on Saturday 22 June for a peaceful and family-friendly march to Parliament. This aims to be the biggest ever UK gathering for nature and climate with tens of thousands of people marching shoulder to shoulder for our natural world.

We will be celebrating nature, with a spectacle of all that is brilliant about our wild isles, from a “walking wood” to giant bat puppets, and celebrity guests including Chris Packham and Dr Amir Khan. The march will bring together nature lovers and climate campaigners from across the country, with street artists and entertainers making it an event to remember for nature enthusiasts of all ages and from all communities.

But the march will have a serious side and will have an important message. We want to see UK politicians show strong domestic and global nature and climate leadership by: giving a payrise for nature, making polluters pay, delivering more space for nature, putting a right to a healthy environment in law and ensuring fair and effective climate action.

The next generation deserves a world free from the threat of climate catastrophe and where nature is thriving. The coming General Election could be a turning point for our natural world and so together we want to send the strongest possible signal to politicians of all parties that they must act now for people, nature and climate.

We hope you can join us in speaking up for nature on Saturday 22 June and giving nature a voice.

Find out more at

Details for the day

12:00pm – Assemble in Park Lane, WK1
1.00pm – March sets off
14.15pm – Rally starts in Parliament Square
16:30pm – Ends

More information can be found at

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