Join the Life on The Edge project as we welcome renowned expert entomologist, John Walters, for an engaging talk on the ecology, behaviour, and identification of British Oil Beetles.
Oil Beetles are a precious though sadly declining group, here in South Devon. Their fascinating lifecycle, which involves infiltrating the nest of solitary mining bees, makes this family of insects truly extraordinary. However, their highly-specialised behaviours and intimate relationship with wild bees also make them vulnerable to changes in habitat, including the loss of wildflower-rich grasslands and heathland.
This webinar will explore the lives and behaviour of British Oil Beetles, challenges to their conservation and management, and will equip you with the knowledge to successfully identify three of LotE’s target species: the Black Oil Beetle, Short-necked Oil Beetle, and the Mediterranean Oil Beetle. You can then apply your skills by helping us conduct a nocturnal species survey on Friday, 22nd November.
Booking essential. Reserve your place on South Devon National Landscape’s website. A zoom link will be sent upon booking.
Life on the Edge is an exciting Buglife partnership project that aims to restore viable populations of some of the UK’s rarest invertebrates and plants living along the South Devon coast between Berry Head and Wembury, including the last known colony of the Six-banded Nomad Bee (Nomada sexfasciata).