Discover pollinators at James Field with Buglife Cymru & Nature on Your Doorstep

Monday 14th August, 2023 - 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Bryn Teg, Neath, SA11 2LG

Join our family-friendly nature walk and discover the pollinating insects that make their home at James Field.

Enjoy a free guided walk with friends or family at James Field with Ai-Lin Kee from Nature on your doorstep.

Discover the wonderful world of pollinating insects such as bees, hoverflies, butterflies, beetles and more!

Starting point: Meet us by the play park.


This session is being delivered in partnership with NPT Council as part of Buglife Cymru’s Neath Port Talbot B-Lines Project- a 3-yr project, working with communities and partners to restore and create wildflower-rich habitat within the B-Lines network, supporting pollinators including nationally rare species such as the Long-horned bee and the Shrill carder bee.

The work of NPT B-Lines has been made possible by funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.


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