- When: Saturday 11th June, starting at 10am
- Where: Canada Tips, Blaenavon, Pontypool NP4 9SR
Join Buglife Cymru, Blaenavon World Heritage Environment Group and expert wildlife recorders on a BioBlitz to explore and record the biodiversity of Canada Tips. No previous experience needed, just a willingness to get involved and help us to record as many different species as possible in this historic and dramatic post-industrial landscape.
Meet at 10am in the lay-by near Keeper’s Pond. Bring lunch and refreshments with you should you wish.
- Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/E8zcw4c5f3mAnvrb8
- What3Words: https://w3w.co/rooting.snail.unimpeded
- Grid Reference: SO25421054
- Pryd: Dydd Sadwrn 11eg Mehefin, yn dechrau am 10am
- Ble: Canada Tips, Blaenavon, Pontypool NP4 9SR
Ymunwch â Buglife Cymru, Grŵp Amgylcheddol Safle Treftadaeth Byd Blaenafon a chofnodwyr bywyd gwyllt arbenigol ar BioBlitz i archwilio a chofnodi bioamrywiaeth ‘Canada Tips’. Nid oes angen profiad blaenorol, dim ond parodrwydd i ymuno yn y gwaith a’n helpu i gofnodi cymaint o rywogaethau â phosibl yn y dirwedd hanesyddol, ddramatig ôl-ddiwydiannol hon.
Cwrdd am 10am yn y gilfan ger Keeper’s Pond. Dewch â chinio a diodydd gyda chi, os hoffech chi.
- Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/E8zcw4c5f3mAnvrb8
- What3Words: https://w3w.co/rooting.snail.unimpeded
- Cyfeirnod Grid: SO25421054.