Bee Blitz at Baglan Burrows

Monday 26th July, 2021 - 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Entrance to Baglan Burrows dunes

Discover bumblebees and other pollinators and learn how to get involved in recording!

Due to covid-19 restrictions, limited spaces are available, to reserve your space, booking is essential. Social distancing guidelines apply.

Join Clare Flynn (Skills for Bees Officer) from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust and Emily Shaw (Conservation Officer) from Buglife Cymru and take part in our recorder ‘Blitz’ day at Baglan Burrows Dunes in Neath Port Talbot.

Learn how to identify and record bumblebees and other pollinating insects!

Find out how to take part in the PoMS (the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme) FIT Survey (Flower-Insect Timed Count) so you can do some identifying in your back garden, local park, countryside or nature reserve.

This session is being delivered as part of Buglife Cymru’s Neath Port Talbot B-Lines Project- a 3-yr project, working with communities and partners to restore and create wildflower-rich habitat within the B-Lines network, supporting pollinators including nationally rare species such as the Long-horned bee and the Shrill carder bee.

The work of NPT B-Lines has been made possible by funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd, RHAID archebu lle.

Mae B-Lines Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Buglife Cymru yn brosiect 3 blynedd, sy’n gweithio gyda chymunedau a phartneriaid i adfer a chreu cynefinoedd llawn blodau gwyllt o fewn y rhwydwaith B-Lines, gan gefnogi peillwyr yn cynnwys rhywogaethau sy’n brin yn genedlaethol, fel y Wenynen gorniog a’r Gardwenynen feinlais.

Mae gwaith B-Lines C-nPT yn bosibl diolch i ariannu gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth Y Loteri Genedlaethol.

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