Join Dr Nicky Green to learn about her work trialling new and innovative techniques to control the invasive American Signal Crayfish.
American Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) have been widely established in the UK since the 1970’s and have had many adverse impacts, including the near extinction of the native White Clawed Crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipe). This presentation discusses efforts to control this invasive species in south west England.
Dr Nicky Green has been working with crayfish since 2003 and has recently completed a PhD on the control of American signal crayfish. She focusses on practical and effective methods to control invasive crayfish and has worked on Exmoor and elsewhere since 2015 trialling new and innovative techniques.
entoLIVE is delivered by the Biological Recording Company and sponsored by:
- British Entomological and Natural History Society
- environmentjob
- Field Studies Council
- Nurturing Nature project (part of the Chase & Chalke Landscape Partnership funded by the National Lottery Heritage fund)
- Royal Entomological Society