90% of bee species are solitary bees and along with other pollinating animals their hard work is responsible for at least one in every three mouthfuls we eat. However, like many species, they are under threat and need our help.
We invite you to Earn Your Stripes by pledging to help the bees, Wear Your Stripes for a day, or the entire week, and Share Your Stripes by helping us to raise awareness and share your activities, solitary bee facts and photos across your socials.
Explore below and discover the fascinating world of solitary bees!
Solitary Bee Week came into being in 2018 as a partnership between Green & Blue and the Environment & Sustainability Institute Exeter. It has grown each year becoming an annual week of action and education; raising awareness of, and for, our incredible solitary bees.
In 2023, Buglife were handed the wings and the task of really making Solitary Bee Week fly.
Join us from the 20-27 May 2025 for this year’s Solitary Bee Week!