Love Bugs

Common Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) © Claire Pumfrey

It comes as no surprise, that we’re all mad about bugs here at Buglife! There are so many wonderful and important species of invertebrate, a group which makes up around 98% of all animal life, that it’s impossible for us to advocate for them all. We still don’t even know the exact number of invertebrate species on the planet, as more are discovered every year.  

A question that we often get asked is: why should we care about bugs? Well, to put it plainly, invertebrates are essential to life as we know it. Without them, flowers would not seed, birds would not feed, and the soil would be sterile. They underpin life on earth and without them, the world’s ecosystems would collapse. So, really, we should all care about bugs.  

Sadly, there are some groups that are often overlooked or persecuted because of their bad public image, despite their integral presence in nature. Join us in getting to know the bugs that we love, learn why our natural environment would suffer without them, and find out how you can help them!