Vicky’s Ground Spider

Fast Facts

Latin name: Australoechemus vickyae

Notable feature: This spider has large spinnerets and is found both on mainland Ascension and Boatswain Bird Island.

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated

Where in the UK: Ascension Island

Vicky's Ground Spider (Australoechemus vickyae) © Danni Sherwood

Vicky’s Ground Spider (Australoechemus vickyae) is a small spider that is native and endemic to Ascension Island. They are orange-brown in colour with large spinnerets (silk-spinning organ).

There is still much to learn about Vicky’s Ground Spider and the other invertebrates that can be found or are still to be discovered in UK Overseas Territories. Our Supporting Atlantic Territories Invertebrate Conservation project will look to support and strengthen invertebrate conservation in these regions.

  • Size: 6-8mm (0.6-0.8cm)
  • Life span: Unknown.
  • Diet: Small invertebrates, generalist predator.
  • Reproduction: Unknown.
  • When to see: Year round.
  • Population Trend: Further study needed.
  • Threats: Non-native species.
  • Fun Fact: Named for Vicky Wilkins, a UKOT invertebrate conservationist who has supported the territories for over a decade and is co-chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission’s Atlantic Island Invertebrates Specialist Group

How you can help:

Buglife is working to increase awareness of invertebrates and the Vicky’s Ground Spider through specific projects like Supporting Atlantic Territories Invertebrate Conservation. Visit the project page for more information!

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