Jacqui’s Pseudoscorpion

Fast Facts

Latin name: Garypus ellickae

Notable feature: The first giant pseudoscorpion found on the coast of the main Ascension Island. Named after Jacqui Ellick, a Saint Helenian conservationist who spent many years on Ascension conserving its wildlife, especially Green Turtles.

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated

Where in the UK: Ascension Island

Jacqui’s Pseudoscorpion (Garypus ellickae) © Adam Sharp

Jacqui’s Pseudoscorpion (Garypus ellickae) is a small spider that is native to Ascension Island. They are reddish-brown with large claws. It is also known as Jacqui Ellick’s Pseudoscoroion. Find out more about Pseudoscorpions.

There is still much to learn about Jacqui’s Pseudoscorpion and the other invertebrates that can be found or are still to be discovered in UK Overseas Territories. Our Supporting Atlantic Territories Invertebrate Conservation project will look to support and strengthen invertebrate conservation in these regions.

  • Size: 8-10mm (0.8-1cm)
  • Life span: Unknown.
  • Diet: Unknown.
  • Reproduction: Unknown.
  • When to see: Probably occurs year round, found on coast such as English Bay and lives under rocks.
  • Population Trend: Unknown.
  • Threats: Invasive species and habitat changes.
  • Fun Fact: This pseudoscorpion loves to be near the sea, indeed most species of Garypus live by the water.

How you can help:

Buglife is working to increase awareness of invertebrates and the Jacqui’s Pseudoscorpion through specific projects like Supporting Atlantic Territories Invertebrate Conservation. Visit the project page for more information!

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