Four-banded Weevil-wasp

Fast Facts

Latin name: Cerceris quadricincta

Notable feature: Medium-sized wasp with four distinctive yellow bands on abdomen.

Conservation Status: Endangered

Where in the UK: South East coast of England.

Four-banded Weevil-wasp (Cerceris quadricincta) © Peter Harvey

The Four-banded Weevil-wasp (Cerceris quadricincta) is a rare and native solitary wasp that has only been recorded in Essex and Kent. It is also known as the Four-banded Tailed Digger Wasp.

The species nest gregariously, which means they will often use nests occupied by other weevil-wasps, in areas of bare sand or sandy soil that is exposed to the sun.

Not to be confused with the Five-banded Weevil Wasp, which can be distinguished by the number of yellow bands. This species is predominantly found in Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. Both have similar life cycles and behaviour.

  • Size: Males 6-10mm (0.6-1cm), Females 7-11mm (0.7-1.1cm) long
  • Life span: Annual life cycle; most wasps will only live for a few weeks but the mated Queen will hibernate underground to lay her eggs in summer so may survive for up to a year.
  • Diet: Preys on weevils.
  • Reproduction: The females create cells in the nest and each cell is provisioned with weevil prey to feed the larvae. It will then pupate for complete metamorphosis to the adult stage of the life cycle.
  • When to see: They can be seen flying between mid-July to mid-September. Prefer to make their nesting burrows in light, sandy soils.
  • Population Trend: Declining.
  • Threats: Loss of habitat, mostly due to development.
  • Fun Fact: Despite being rare in the UK, the Four-banded Weevil Wasp is quite common in continental Europe and can also be found in Western Asia and Northern Africa.

How you can help:

Buglife is working to increase awareness of invertebrates and the Four-banded Weevil-wasp through specific projects and campaigns such as Middlewick Ranges but we need your help!

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