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Marketing Bugs

At first sight marketing bugs could be considered in the same bracket as carrying coals to Newcastle and this is despite the great work done by Buglife. If you poll...


June 2016 Torbay’s Buzzing blog

Well, a lot has been happening recently to get Torbay Buzzing!  I’ve been concentrating on getting some pollinator cafes planted up, launching our Torbay’s Buzzing Big Pollinator Survey; and running...


Why save a spider?

A guest blog from author Jules Howard on saving a rare spider Look at the image to the right of this text. This is the only photo that exists of...


Wildlife Bill- Initial Buglife Response

Buglife welcomes the new Wildlife Bill, it represents an important step forward in the presentation of a modern and consistent legal framework to protect our precious wildlife. Broadly the Law...


Secret Pesticides Documents Revealed

Disclosures Deepen Controversy about Government’s Decision to Evade Bee-killing Pesticide Ban   In July wildlife NGOs were dismayed, confused and indeed angered by the Government’s decision to allow the use...


The wonderful world of spiders

When conservationists talk about saving animals, we do tend to suffer from “vertebratism”, a preference for the cute and cuddly pandas, or the sleek tigers of the world. But conservation...
